Sunday, March 20, 2005

Robots - IMAX

Well, one thing learned. IMAX you need to catch at the very last row. It is definitely not the greatest of ideas to sit in the 18th row and watch it. I say watch it from at least another 20 rows behind and IT WILL still not make a difference.

ROBOTS: Well you see it is a mixture of Jazz and Funk .... ie JUNK :) yep really good stuff coming from 20th Century Fox, Ice Age.. and now this . well let us hope that they keep us so entertained as have done Pixar for the last decade.



Vits said...

I see you've been posting some Junk.

What's the plan for when I get to Cali?

Gyro said...

What do you mean posting junk .. dear some of it is junk agreed, but then most of the stuff is original so gimme some credit dude....


Vits said...

you got lots of credit "credit history" (aka credit cards) but lots of credit :-). You didn't tell me what are the plans for when I get to Cali...

Doc said...

Lots of pictures for me.....thats the plan of you trip to calli..., using your off...oops, personal camera. Also, awaiting the DVD.