Sunday, March 20, 2005

Tech Museum @ San Jose

Tech Museum Day @ San Jose... Well check out the link on the right. I will be uploading some more stuff some time later....


Robots - IMAX

Well, one thing learned. IMAX you need to catch at the very last row. It is definitely not the greatest of ideas to sit in the 18th row and watch it. I say watch it from at least another 20 rows behind and IT WILL still not make a difference.

ROBOTS: Well you see it is a mixture of Jazz and Funk .... ie JUNK :) yep really good stuff coming from 20th Century Fox, Ice Age.. and now this . well let us hope that they keep us so entertained as have done Pixar for the last decade.


Saturday, March 19, 2005


A very powerful potrayal of Adolf Hitler: his life and his passionate hatred for the Jews. Superb film. Took nearly 3 hours to go through the thought process' and the deliberations that make up HItler. German subtitles tho- some words just jumped off the screen and really made you think about what persecution the Jews had to go through and how terrible and horrific war can be. Nearly 50 Million people died in World War II and nearly 6 Million Jews died in the German Concentraton Camps. It is tough to imagine that all this happened less than six decades ago. We are certainly very fortunate to be living in these times and I hope that this is a lesson not forgotten easily : that discrimination and hatred serve no purpose save the destruction of the very essence of life...

Also one of the best theaters I have had the chance to go to in the Bay Area: Cinearts Cinema.


Thursday, March 10, 2005

Why are there eighteen holes on a Golf Course?

In Scotland, where golf got started, golf courses were originally designed with a varying number of holes, depending on the size of the parcel of land that was available. Some golf courses had a few as five holes. The most prestigious golf club, the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of Saint Andrews, originally had twenty-two holes. On October 4, 1764, which contained eleven holes out and eleven holes in, was reduced to eighteen holes to lengthen them and make the course more challenging. In order to codify the game, eighteen holes were adopted as the standard after the Saint Andrews model.

Adapted from David Feldman “Life’s Imponderables”


strange but true...

It's widely known that Alexander Graham Bell beat Elisha Gray to the patent office by a mere two hours with his application to patent the telephone. However, ten years after Bell's patent was issued, patent examiner Zenas Wilber admitted in a sworn affadavit that he had taken a $100 bribe from Bell, had taken a loan from Bell's patent attorney, and had given Bell the complete details of Gray's caveat. Hmmmm....

Source: Inventor's Digest, July/August 1998, pages 26-28.


Clock is up and running...

Hmm. Now have the clock up and running.... on this page. am thinking whether should add india timing as well.
well... will need the feedback coming as well if I have to do so ...


Lake Tahoe

Shores of Lake Tahoe
Originally uploaded by vivekgera.
On the shores of Lake Tahoe

Monday, March 07, 2005

million dollar baby...

Really not one of the run of the mill movies. pretty hard hitting and all that. well the movie was great and now i realise why the oscars are being handed out to the movie. the name of the movie does not really make you realise well that is an Oscar Name :) but then then you got to hand it to Clint Eastwood and Hilary Swank for some pretty amazing performances :)

Rating - hard hitting and wow.... definitely a must see...


Moi @ archery

Moi @ archery
Originally uploaded by vivekgera.
Moi @ archery as well...


Bhayia @ archery

Bhayia @ archery
Originally uploaded by vivekgera.
This is archery at the very best guys, me and Bhayia went over to stanford where we were transported back to the yesteryears of mahabharat and ramayana, which we used to enact :)
nice and enjoyed a lot . got a lot of bruises to my arm due to the string hitting me everytime i let go of the arrow but the pain was lightened by the number of bullseyes I managed to get :)
