Saturday, March 19, 2005


A very powerful potrayal of Adolf Hitler: his life and his passionate hatred for the Jews. Superb film. Took nearly 3 hours to go through the thought process' and the deliberations that make up HItler. German subtitles tho- some words just jumped off the screen and really made you think about what persecution the Jews had to go through and how terrible and horrific war can be. Nearly 50 Million people died in World War II and nearly 6 Million Jews died in the German Concentraton Camps. It is tough to imagine that all this happened less than six decades ago. We are certainly very fortunate to be living in these times and I hope that this is a lesson not forgotten easily : that discrimination and hatred serve no purpose save the destruction of the very essence of life...

Also one of the best theaters I have had the chance to go to in the Bay Area: Cinearts Cinema.


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