Friday, February 17, 2006

Ice Skating

Awesome. absolutely fantastic. Am not falling any more. Though came close to doing so a couple of times today.


looking for skates so :) scouting around.

Just finished watching Incredibles.- Pixar. wow what a movie :)

Another momentous occasion today : Watched the Lord of The Dance. Superb stuff. I am in love with the girl in white :P. haha just kidding :P

how do they manage to dance so well? well it was a pleasure to watch them in action.

got to clean up and go to sleep now. will update y'all laterz.



Doc said...

You gotta fall to learn. If you stop falling, you will stop pushing yourself to learn. Only when you skate on your limits, will you learn more. And offcourse you will fall.

Way to go dude!

Vits said...

Those lord of the dances gals are something eh? I told you you'd like it!