One of the first pomes of mine hits the limelight here in A View from Without :)
Why Me:
What is it that we are trying to prove
we with our sights we only disapprove
of all the things that go wrong in a day
thinking that life should only go our way
Do we ever stop to look at a blind man
or hear the yells and shrieks of a mute
Do you ever stop before you walk past a lame man
or try to explain yourself to a mute
Why is God so unfair and unjust
gives sight to some and to others only trust
Why does he work the way that he does
is a mystery to almost most of us
He gives us all an opportunity, a stance
to make the best of it, if only by chance
if only to make us a better man or beast
to make it through life; an adventure in the very
To attain heights, to seek new goals
to make it for a hundred and one hopes
that may or may nopt be pinned on you
the day you go out to give what's due
To finally understand the meaning of life
and your place amidst all this strife
to truly become aware of the dream
is the purpose of all or so it would seem .......
14th March 2003